Endurance Swimming

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Crush The Catch!

One of the most difficult elements of freestyle swimming to perfect is the catch.  There are many subtle movements that go into making the optimal catch.  Mastering the catch can take months or even years depending on how often you hit the pool.  Here is a drill progression that can help you speed up the process and bring your swimming to the next level!

1.  Press and Relax Drill

Start on your stomach with both arms out in front about 8-10 inches below the surface of the water.

  1. Pick one arm and press your hand and forearm down while lifting your elbow up and forward.  Your finger tips will go from aiming in front of you to aiming toward the floor.

  2. Hold this position for a second or so and then relax the arm bringing it back to the original position.

  3. Repeat this with the other arm.  Continue to alternate arms like this for a few 25s.

2. Press, Relax, Press, Pull Drill

Start on your stomach with both arms out in front about 8-10 inches below the surface of the water.

  1. Pick one arm and press your hand and forearm down while lifting your elbow up and forward.  Your finger tips will go from aiming in front of you to aiming toward the floor.

  2. Hold this position for a second or so and then relax the arm bringing it back to the original position.

  3. Repeat step 2, hold the position briefly, and then continue to pull through keeping the elbow high.

  4. Repeat this with the other arm and continue to alternate arms for several 25s.

3. Press and Pull Drill

Start on your stomach with both arms out in front about 8-10 inches below the surface of the water.

  1. Pick one arm and press your hand and forearm down while lifting your elbow up and forward.  Your finger tips will go from aiming in front of you to aiming toward the floor.

  2. Hold this position for a second or so and then continue to pull through.

  3. Repeat this pattern with the other arm and continue to alternate arms for several 25s.

These three drills are a great progression to help you learn the freestyle catch and slowly implement them in to your stroke.  After getting the hang of these 3 drills you can then follow them up with the Catch Up Drill focusing on the hand and forearm press and high elbow under the water and finally moving on to the normal freestyle swim.

Successful Swims Are Built With Endurance!