Workout Wednesday: Pace, Pace, Sprint!

Happy Workout Wednesday! This week is all about working hard and then kicking it up another gear when you think you can’t ! This workout is short and it will go by quick because it is so much fun! At 3000 yards/meters, it is perfect to bang out before work or during lunch! Make sure you are hitting the suggested effort zones to get the most out of this workout. For all you triathletes, this workout is great for wiping away the cobwebs and getting back into swim training. If you like doing strokes other than free, then each round do everything 200 pace of your stroke of choice. The entire round should be the same stroke….even if you are an IMer. If you really want a great workout, then hit the pool with friends so you can match off and really race! As always have fun, share with your friends and leave your thoughts in the comments!

Warm Up

400 alt 25drill/25kick/50build with snorkel

12x25 @ :10 rest sprint streamline kick with a snorkel

6x50 @ :10 rest alt 25drill/25swim build all with paddles free

Main Set

3x: No rest between rounds

    2 x 100 @ :10 reset holding 85% of max effort or goal half mile effort

    1 x 200 @ :20 rest with paddles only holding 85% of max effort or goal half mile effort

    4 x 50 @ :15 rest As Fast As Possible! Really push hard on these!

Cool Down

1 x 200 easy swimming focusing on technique and feeling good.

Successful swims are built with Endurance!