Endurance Swimming

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Workout Wednesday: Get Fast and Get Jacked!

Photo Credit: Helen Cogan Photography

Happy Workout Wednesday! If you are a triathlete or open water swimmer looking for a great workout to get you super fast and jacked out of your mind, then your prayers have been answered. This quick 2000 yard/meter swim session is perfect if you are short on time and want to mix things up. As always please share with your friends and leave your thoughts in the comments! This workout is tons of fun and your muscles will be feeling the pump when it is over!

Warm Up

1 x 400 Swim with a front snorkel

6 x 50 @ :10 rest alternating 25 drill/25 swim

8 x 25 @ :10 rest all of them are build to a sprint

Main Set

12 Rounds:

1 x 25 Sprint Tombstone Kicking

Climb out of the water and do 10 push ups or stay in the water and do 15 Streamline Squat jumps.

As soon as you finish, jump in and do the 50 below:

1 x 50 @ :30 rest all out sprint swim!

Cool Down

1 x 200 easy swimming focusing on technique and feeling good.

Successful swims are built with Endurance!