Workout Wednesday: Pace Work!

Happy Workout Wednesday! If you are a triathlete or open water swimmer looking for a great lunch time pool workout, then look no further. This quick 3000 yard swim session is perfect if you are short on time and want to crush some calories and get you swimming faster. In the workout below, I specify to hold goal mile pace but you can change this based on your goal distance. As always please share with your friends and leave your thoughts in the comments! This workout is tons of fun and keeps that blood flowing!

Warm Up

1 x 400 Swim with a front snorkel

Main Set

1 x 400 @ :15 rest swim with paddles only. Build to 85% of max effort.

3 x 100 @ :10 rest swim holding goal mile pace

2 x 50 @ :10 rest swim holding 2 seconds faster than goal mile pace

1 x 300 @ :15 rest swim with paddles only. Build to 85% of max effort.

3 x 100 @ :10 rest swim holding goal mile pace

4 x 50 @ :10 rest swim holding 2 seconds faster than goal mile pace

1 x 200 @ :15 rest swim with paddles only. Build to 85% of max effort.

3 x 100 @ :10 rest swim holding goal mile pace

6 x 50 @ :10 rest swim holding 2 seconds faster than goal mile pace

Cool Down

1 x 200 easy swimming focusing on technique and feeling good.

Successful swims are built with Endurance!