Posts tagged strength program
Top 5 Dryland Exercises For Swimmers

Swimming faster and further means getting stronger, and sustaining greater training volumes, while reducing the risk of injury. A smart dryland strength program can help you develop the force and propulsion for maximum and sub maximum speed, while balancing out opposing musculature and supporting higher volumes of training and repetitive stress.

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Damage Control: Shoulder Strengthening Exercises For Injury Prevention!

Injuries and injury prevention are both huge aspects of sports and more specifically endurance sports. At some point in your swimming or triathlon career, you will have to deal with an injury. Sometimes injuries happen from a trauma, bad technique, overuse or a myriad of other reasons. In swimming, it will usually be the shoulders that start to give you trouble. Coach Craig has created a video of his shoulder prevention routine to help give you some ideas for your personal swimming and triathlon injury prevention routines.

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