Posts tagged open water swim tips
How Pool Training Improves Your Open Water Swimming!

Open water swimming is an experience like no other and in most cases blows the pool swimming experience away. That being said, pool training plays a critical role in preparing someone for the open water and making them a stronger open water swimmer. Learn why you need to be incorporating pool training sessions to your training plan

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Step Into The Unknown: The Thrill of Open Water Swimming

As a marathon swim coach, one of the most exciting parts of this sport is its unpredictability. No two swims even in the same location are ever the same. The open water is not like the safe and controlled conditions of a swimming pool. They are active environments that are constantly changing and challenging swimmers in unique ways. This challenge, I believe, is the most thrilling part of marathon swimming.

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Breathe Easy: 6 Tips To Conquer Breathing While Swimming

Are you a new swimmer struggling to breathe easy or catch your breath while swimming? Don't worry, you're not alone. In swimming, breath control is one of the hardest parts of swimming, and mastering it can be your key to longer, more enjoyable swimming sessions. Here are six key tips to help you breathe easier.

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Maximizing Your Swim Training

Over my coaching career, I’ve helped many athletes take on several marathon swim challenges from completing their first 10 KM to swimming the English Channel solo. Being a successful marathon swimmer takes dedicated rigorous training. Here are six tips that will help you drastically improve your swimming performance and prepare you for taking on a marathon swim.

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The Fundamentals of Marathon Swimming: A Comprehensive Guide

Deciding to do a marathon swim, takes courage and is no easy feat. As marathon swimming is not a widely pursued sport, it can be difficult to find information on how to train for a marathon swim. As a result, we have put together this guide with the fundamental elements that you need to consider when creating a marathon swim training plan that will set you up for success!

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7 Open Water Swimming Tips For Beginners

Welcome, new and aspiring open water swimmers! As you're about to embark on your first open water adventure, we want to assure you that you're in for a fun and rewarding experience. Open water swimming offers unique challenges, and we're here to give you some tips to help guide you through it. Here are 7 key tips for beginners.

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How To Swim Without Getting Tired!

Swimming is a tough sport that requires a mix of technique, endurance, and strength. While it can be a fun activity, it can also be extremely challenging, especially when it comes to increasing swimming distance without dealing with getting fatigued. The tips below will help you ramp up your volume while limiting how tired you get so you can have fun in the water for hours on end!

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Marathon Swimming FAQs: Your Top 10 Questions Answered

Over the years I have been asked hundreds of questions about marathon swimming. I have compiled a list of the top 10 most commonly asked questions I have received and their answers. If you have a question that I haven’t covered in this post, please ask it in the comments and I will be sure to add it to this post! Hopefully this will get you on your way!

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Marathon Swim Packing List & Tips!

No matter what swim you are working to accomplish, marathon swimming requires careful preparation and planning. This includes not just physical training but also making sure you have all the necessary equipment and supplies for the swim. Here's a fairly comprehensive packing list with some essential tips on packing effectively.

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The Top Marathon Swims In The US!

Marathon swimming is a challenging sport that pushes athletes to their limits, both physically and mentally. The United States is home to many epic open water locations that offer marathon swimmers the opportunity to showcase their endurance and determination. In this post I will explore the top 10 marathon swims in the United States.

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How To Select And Train Your Marathon Swim Support Crew

Marathon swimming on its face looks like an individual sport but that couldn’t be further from the truth. The success or failure of a swim is high dependent on the support crew that the swimmer puts together and trains. Learn about the attributes that a swimmer should look for when selecting a crew and some thoughts on how to properly train them to make your day a success!

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Top 3 Mistakes Triathletes Make When Training For The Swim

Over the years I have been lucky enough to coach and train with many triathletes, I have seen many new triathletes make similar mistakes when training for the swim. In this article I am going to discuss the top 3 mistakes I have seen triathletes make over and over again throughout the years along with how to not fall victim to them. Don’t make these 3 major mistakes!

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4 Steps To A Marathon Swim Nutrition Plan

Having a tried and true nutrition plan is an incredibly important part of any marathon swim. A swimmer’s nutrition plan can literally make or break a their chance at completing a major marathon swim. Learn the 4 steps to help you create your own marathon swim nutrition plan.

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Why Masters? The Real Question Is Why Not Masters?

Masters is for everyone and that is the point of Masters! Masters programs all over the country (1,500 to be exact) bring together roughly 60,000 swimmers of ages 18+ to the pool for a fun and challenging workout. Masters coaches give workouts and execute practice from the pool deck. It’s for all ages ( 18+) and all abilities!

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3 Reasons Why You Should Get A Stroke Analysis

Perhaps no one has ever said that your stroke needs work…And you can totally mitigate your shoulder pain with a few ibuprofens before practice…Besides, you're training to swim a marathon… what you need are miles! Right? So why should you have your swimming stroke analyzed? Here are 3 reasons to get your stroke checked and think technique first in your endurance training!

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6 Tips To Conquer Your Marathon Swim Training

So, you’re training for a marathon swim, you’ve got a program to stick to and you need to get a long swim in today. You’re nervous…the conditions are questionable and it will likely be cold. You may even be doubting yourself that you can complete the distance, or tolerate the temperature. Here are some things to consider before heading out on your next challenging swim.

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How To Read A Swim Workout

If you are a swimmer or triathlete that is new to swimming or structured workouts, then you may look at the swim sets completely confused. Don't worry, it isn't as complicated as it looks. To make matters worse there is no real standardization of how a workout should look. Every coach writes workouts in their own way. This article is designed to teach you how to read basic swim sets so that you go to the pool knowing exactly what you need to do!

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Top 5 Tips For Swimming an Ice Mile

At Endurance Swimming, we love challenges and we love ice swimming. Ice swimming is an incredibly dangerous and potentially fatal sport if you don’t know what you are doing and the same holds true even when you do know what you are doing. It is not a challenge to be taken lightly by any means. We asked 4 time Ice Mile swimmer Dorte Lyager AKA TheIcyDicey to give us her best tips to a safer and successful Ice Mile!

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